Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
♦ Completely Ruined ♦
Uncle… uncle… uncle Forster, do you know? Crown’s father passed away at 40, leaving him alone. Crown is too young, only 7 year old. He doesn’t know the meaning of death. He is sitting in the darkest corner of the darkened room, his face revealing nothing of what he thought and felt, neither crying for his father nor talking to anyone. Unfortunately, his mother left him and the city three years ago with her new husband and was about 150 km away from him when he was only 4 year old. Now he doesn’t even remember her well.. Now Crown has nobody in his family to look after him. Only Tommy a dog, his bosom friend- an animal.
The house was full of people- relatives, friends, neighbours but he was alone. He maintained a distance from all. Nobody was in favour of Crown going to funeral or grave yard but his long cherished desire was to go to funeral to see the last rites of his father.
No one realized how serious the matter was? What would happen to the child… Crown. His father’s coffin lay in the adjacent room, the lid fastened forever over the tired, wistful countenance of the man who had meant so much to the boy. Crown was hungry and crying with no tears in his eyes but nobody asked him to have something to fill his empty stomach. Crown had become orphan. Big building- gardener everything was there except his father. Everybody used to feed him to please his father when he was alive but now everything changed. People were same but attitude different…. go of the world.
A small hearse was laid in at the gate and several able bodied men lifted the coffin and manoeuvred it into the carriage and slowly the crowd drifted away, those who didn’t have cars would have to walk the distance…. the cemetery was about one kilometre. Crown stared through the window. Only one loyal servant was there in the big house. When all had gone, Crown left the room stealthily but the gardener saw him so he returned to his room. The gardener was worried about his job. He would be out of job very soon. The boy would go to orphanage.
Any how Crown slipped out of the house by a back door and made his way to the cemetery following the crowd. The same road he used to take with his father during their evening walk. God has need of your father…. with these soothing words, father of the church had tried to console him but Crown was not satisfied. What need God had for his father! Thousands of men, women and children were put to rest in these neat and serrid rows, what could HE have wanted them for. After death- what use are we to God. These questions kept reeling in his mind.
In grave yard- the coffin was lowered down, deep down. Crown was surprised to see at how far down it seemed to go! Perhaps he would grow into a tree and escape that way from beneath the earth. One day same thing would happen to me, I shall grow into a flower, my seed will be carried by birds in different directions and I shall be free. Some people threw a handful of earth over the coffin before moving away. He stood there until they all had gone. He was alone, feeling very weak. He felt as if his father was beside him, patted him– This is the go of the world… my son. He wept like anything. His tears fell down on the tomb of his father where he was.
When he came back, his dog Tommy started wagging his tail, with empty stomach, when he slept with tears in his eyes, the servant gave him something to eat, he shared with Tommy. Tommy had also tears in his eyes, he slept beside Crown and patted him, saved Crown ‘s life from a big cobra. Tommy was bitten by cobra, he took his last breath next morning. Crown was sent to orphanage. Every thing was ruined in one day.
♦ Bhola Sharan Prasad – Sec – 150/Noida – Uttar Pradesh ♦
- “Bhola Sharan Prasad Ji“ has tried to explain in very simple words through this article in a beautiful way — The story revolves around a young boy named Crown who experiences the loss of his father at a tender age of seven. His father’s passing leaves him alone in the world, as his mother had left him years ago. Crown finds solace in his dog, Tommy, as his only companion. Despite the presence of relatives and friends after his father’s death, Crown feels isolated and disconnected from everyone. Crown’s desire to attend his father’s funeral reflects his longing for closure and understanding of death. However, the adults around him fail to grasp the depth of his emotions and overlook his need for support. As his father is laid to rest, Crown grapples with existential questions about life and death. After the funeral, Crown returns home to find solace in Tommy’s companionship. However, tragedy strikes again when Tommy sacrifices his life to save Crown from a cobra bite. With no one left to care for him, Crown is sent to an orphanage, marking the culmination of his loss and abandonment.
This article (Completely Ruined) is the creation of “Bhola Sharan Prasad Ji”. For the readers of KMSRAJ51.COM. Your articles/poems reach deep into the heart in simple words and are life changing. I have full faith that your poems and articles will benefit the public. May your writing activity continue like this.
यह लेख (Completely Ruined) “भोला शरण प्रसाद जी” की रचना है। KMSRAJ51.COM — के पाठकों के लिए। आपकी लेख/कवितायें सरल शब्दो में दिल की गहराइयों तक उतर कर जीवन बदलने वाली होती है। मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास है आपकी कविताओं और लेख से जनमानस का कल्याण होगा। आपकी लेखन क्रिया यूं ही चलती रहे।
आपका परिचय आप ही के शब्दों में:—
मैं भोला शरण प्रसाद बी. एस. सी. (बायो), एम. ए. अंग्रेजी, एम. एड. हूं। पहले केन्द्रीय विघालय में कार्यरत था। मेरी कई रचनाऍं विघालय पत्रिका एंव बाहर की भी पत्रिका में छप चूकी है। मैं अंग्रेजी एंव हिन्दी दोनों में अपनी रचनाऍं एंव कविताऍं लिखना पसन्द करता हूं। देश भक्ति की कविताऍं अधिक लिखता हूं। मैं कोलकाता संतजेवियर कालेज से बी. एड. किया एंव महर्षि दयानन्द विश्वविघालय रोहतक से एम. एड. किया। मैं उर्दू भी जानता हूं। मैं मैट्रीकुलेशन मुजफ्फरपुर से, आई. एस. सी. एंव बी. एस. सी. हाजीपुर (बिहार विश्वविघालय) बी. ए. (अंग्रेजी), एम. ए. (अंग्रेजी) बिहार विश्वविघालय मुजफ्फरपुर से किया। शिक्षा से शुरू से लगाव रहा है। लेखन मेरी Hobby है। इस Platform के माध्यम से सुधारात्मक संदेश दे पाऊं, यही अभिलाषा है।
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———– © Best of Luck ® ———–
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“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)
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