Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
ϒ Digital Deepak – Internship Program Batch 3rd – Class 1 ϒ
Digital Deepak – Internship Program Batch 3rd, Class 1.
By : Deepak Kanakaraju
Assignment – 1
Hello all of you My dear friends!
This is the first Article in the series of “Digital Deepak – Internship Program Batch 3rd” … 16-05-2020 To 04-07-2020, that I will be writing in for My Internship _ My Trainer: “Deepak Kanakaraju”.

Many people ask to me Why I Join “Digital Deepak – Internship Program” …..” Conduct By : Deepak Kanakaraju ” .

Well I am sharing with you a secret because Only stories Don’t Justify any statement’s. So, I am created a “Mindmap Blueprint”.
See below: the Mindmap Blueprint.
Keyword : Mass Trust (Mind Map Blueprint)

I created this “Mindmap Blueprint” By Heart.
I hope this Mindmap Blueprint is useful for all of you. If any wrong words or sentence in “Mindmap Blueprint”… I request to all of you please tell me openly Mind via Comments. YOUR Suggestions heartily accepted.
According to me Present time… “Deepak Kanakaraju”, perfect Trainer for Digital Marketing, because He have Deep knowledge & Experience of Digital Marketing.
So, this is main reason to Join “Digital Deepak Internship Program.”
Thank’s My Dear Deepak Sir
“I hope Mindmap Blueprint is itself shouting expertise of Digital Marketing Expert: Deepak Kanakaraju.”
What I learn in Class 1st of Digital Deepak Internship Program Batch 3rd by: Deepak Kanakaraju. I will try to put anything step by step below… read carefully….. So, I hope it’s useful basic Concepts for all:
♡ Present time “Digital Marketing” is very Simple but valuable method to do Marketing & Convince Customers easily.
♡ One of Main Quality for all Digital Marketer’s _ Always give value first & last, means… If you create value for your Customers/ Students ….. then ….. Customers/ Students will create value for you.
♡ I think first all of you _ find your passion with Lot expertise and research ….. What needs of Market? Before choosing it as your Profitable Professional niche.
♡ First deeply specialize in your Niche n sure it… it’s useful for all… then create any Product/ Content/ Course.
♡ Always Gain Mass Trust. Remember that Mass Trust _ base of any Business.
♡ You introduce yourself as a Digital Marketer & create free content (ebooks, or other useful content) _ Don’t hesitate for people What Say?
Always improve your Personality & Character. This will also help you in better understanding of your audience behaviors _ then easily possible to you “Build Strong Relationships” to your Customers.
♡ Digital Marketing is an “Magical Result Oriented Integrated Bridge” … where all it’s elements are closely interlinked:- SEO, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Paid Ads, Social Media Marketing, Automation, Sell & Conversion. Affiliate Marketing, Drop Shipping etc.; all part is as important as the others.
♡ Always Mind it “QUALITY CONTENT IS KING” So Don’t Copy _ Published Good Quality Content for your Readers/ Customers/ Students.
♡ First learn the art of Communication: some of majors helpful part of Strong Communication:-…..
▪︎Build a Strong Habit
▪︎Listen to Podcasts
▪︎ Read a Lot
▪︎ Write a Lot in your niche
▪︎ Watch Sitcomics (or English Series) & Standups.
▪︎Memorize your Heart Voice Childhood to till Now. Don’t killed your internal child Nature n Habit.
♡ Strongly make your sales Funnel Thru _ Webinar, Email Marketing or any other Digital Marketing tools.
♡ Personal Branding is Most Important for all. If your Personal Brand very Strong… You will easily convince your Customers.
♡ Your Strong Personal Brand create largest community circle. Try to getting minimum 1 Million (One Million) … People on the Top of the circle, which will automatically give you minimum 1000 (Thousand) at the lower end of the circle.
♡ Always Mind it _ Two core part of Digital Marketing:-…
▪︎Quality Content
♡ Always remember it: CATT
IT is like as Four Pillars of selling your Product/ Content/ Course.
♡ I hope all of you listen carefully in Class 1st _ Live webinar… Engage with your audience and build Strong trust around you. This is the most important factor for further growth.
♡ I always think “Market Research” is very important factor before diving in, because you easily known what is market needs. Also “PRE & POST” Products/ Course and Services, are good area to work on.
♡ Deeply Understand Basic to Intermediate Economics & GST / Taxes.
♡ Always care your Community circle members. I think mainly Two best way to do it are: Feedback and useful Bonus/ Rewards.
♡ If you Strong in all area automate your process. This will Always save your time & help you easily reach a largest audience circle.
♡ This is my way to learning Digital Marketing “Don’t STOP Learning”… your growth in your hand.
“If you have complete faith in yourself and your work, then no power in this world can stop you from being successful.”
All of you My dear friends _ I hope the article have helped you in your Journey to be a Always Growing Successful “STAR DIGITAL MARKETER”.
☆ Always Happy Learning ☆
☆ Don’t killed your inner child Nature☆
Hi Friends,
Short Intro of My self…..
I am Krishna Mohan Singh (KMS), Also known as KMSRAJ51, Pursuing PHD In Information Technology from Delhi University (DU).
By profession Microsoft Certified International Trainer, Entrepreneur, International Motivational Speaker, Author, Spiritual Aadiyogi, Business, Life & CEO Coach,
Editor in Chief, Founder & CEO Of…..
If you want to read more about Me please visit below link…..
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———– © Best of Luck ® ———–
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“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)
In English
it is motivating to learn Digital marketing , way you described
Rajendra Dave Ji.