Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
Overcoming Fears Connected With Negative Past Experiences – Part 1
Some of our fears arise due to the situations we have lived through; for example, if you are driving a car and you have an accident. Then you take some time to drive again, because the memory of the accident awakens the fear of having another one or reliving the one you had. The person that has never had a car accident gets in the car with confidence, because they do not have that scene recorded, since they haven’t lived through it.
There are fears that we carry within us that are not of the present. Something happened to us in the dark and we are now afraid of the dark. Fears in relationships: you opened your heart, you fell in love and, after a time, you experienced pain, you felt hurt, misunderstood, manipulated, deceived or mistreated, and now you no longer open your heart for anything; it is closed off with the shields that you yourself have created. To overcome this kind of fear due to experiences you have lived through, you have to come to terms with your past and accept it fully. You cannot change your past; lamenting the past doesn’t help you; complaining about the past doesn’t benefit you. Those shields brought about by fears do not disappear unless you do a deep cleansing. Begin to heal your experience of the past. Part of the past is healed with forgiveness. Without forgiving, you cannot forget.
– Message –
Use the treasures you have in a practical way and you’ll find benefit.
Checking: Check what treasures you have that you could share with others. It could be the treasure of happiness, of love or of clear thinking. Check if you are using any of the treasures for your own benefit or that of others.
Practice: Each day begin the day with a thought to use the treasure that you have discovered for yourself. Remind yourself that the more you give the more it’ll grow. Continue using your treasures in this way and bring benefit to all.
Overcoming Fears Connected With Negative Past Experiences – Part 2
The work with oneself to see what aspects of your past burden you and coming to terms with those aspects, requires silence, reflection and meditation. When you come to terms with your own past, you can let go of it and be free of it, not be afraid that the past will come back to you. If not, sometimes, it is like a shadow that follows you. If your house was robbed once, the shadow follows you that, perhaps, you might be robbed again. If they hurt you, you fear it will happen again. Sometimes that experience presents itself in dreams, in the subconscious or in present attitudes. Reliving the past in your mind, you do not fully enjoy the present. You have to accept the pieces of your past so that they do not continue to generate upsets. Accept that you had to live through them and live the present with a constructive vision of the future.
In the above context, it helps to write letters to God about your experiences. The exercise of sharing them with God in writing brings clarity inside you and helps you to bring the spiritual light and might in your life in order not to be burdened by unnecessary experiences, unhappiness or grief.Have you ever written to God? You could do it at night and tell Him the things that affected you or that you have learned. You can tell Him the things or intimate feelings that other people perhaps wouldn’t understand or wouldn’t be there to listen to. You could also talk to Him about all that you question, and you do not have an answer to. And the following morning, when you meditate and study a little bit of spiritual knowledge, you often receive answers.
– Message –
When there is the attention to bring benefit at each step that you take, you will find yourself in constant happiness.
Checking: At the end of each day, check if you are happy with all that you have done throughout the day. If there was a feeling of unhappiness, check if it was because the actions performed throughout the day were either ordinary or wasteful.
Practice: Whenever any important decision has to be made, practice asking yourself if the action that you are going to perform is going to bring benefit to yourself or others. When you make your decisions in this way you’ll find yourself in constant happiness.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–
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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –
* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)
* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।
* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।
* सकारात्मक सोच है जीवन का सक्सेस मंत्र
* चांदी की छड़ी।
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