Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
ϒ The Eternal World Cycle ϒ
This world is a vast amphitheatre of action in which souls, in their respective bodies, play their various parts. Planet Earth exists in an extremely tiny portion of the physical universe and is governed by well-defined physical, chemical and biological laws.
In India, the world, which we inhabit, is called karma kshetra (the field of action), because it is here that we sow the seeds of actions and reap their fruits. It is here that the soul takes on flesh and bones and expresses the role that it has hidden within itself, causing variations in the material environment. The state of the material world at any given moment is a direct reflection of the state of consciousness of the human beings, which inhabit it. If there is peace and harmony within the soul this is reflected in nature. If there is conflict and confusion, nature responds accordingly.
It is a world of three dimensions of space and one of time. Its principal characteristics are sound, movement, colour and form. On this immense stage of deserts, forests, mountains and seas; illuminated by the sun, moon and stars; the world drama is enacted. In the drama, the actor-souls move from pleasure to pain, purity to impurity, happiness to sorrow, new to old, positive to negative. A point is finally reached when the process is renewed i.e. all souls and the elements of matter are purified by the Supreme Soul and they move back to their points of origin, only to start again. This is called the eternal world cycle.
ϒ Message ϒ
The power of determination brings all thoughts into practice.
Projection: There are a lot of thoughts that come into the mind that should come into practice immediately. These thoughts come according to the demands of time or according to the kind of people that one comes into contact with. But the only way to bring all these thoughts into practice is to use the power of determination. Where there is determination there is the commitment to use all the resources for the realisation of that thought.
Solution: When I am able to use the power of determination, I am able to realise my inner potential and use it in the right way. So I am able to experience constant progress, because all my thoughts are for my own self progress and all these thoughts naturally come into practice. I never give up anything with temporary setbacks but am able to do everything for the constant progress of the self.
Brahma Kumaris
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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –
* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)
* अपनी आदतों को कैसे बदलें।
∗ निश्चित सफलता के २१ सूत्र।
* क्या करें – क्या ना करें।
∗ जीवन परिवर्तक 51 सकारात्मक Quotes of KMSRAJ51
* विचारों का स्तर श्रेष्ठ व पवित्र हो।
* अच्छी आदतें कैसे डालें।
* KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।
* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।
* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।
* सकारात्मक सोच है जीवन का सक्सेस मंत्र
* चांदी की छड़ी।
“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)
“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”
In English
Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.
~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)
“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”
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