Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
♦ One God ♦
First letter of the alphabet denotes the unity and oneness of the Almighty. There was no religion before it created the universe. These religions came later, better to say man made. Adopt the philosophy of One God and universal brotherhood to break the barriers of religious misunderstanding and create a bridge of fraternity under One God. God is the same for all, hence all are brethren.
The wall of falsehood should be broken by following God’s order, i.e. the natural laws apply to all equally, hence equate to everyone. Kings and slave, high and low, rich and poor – all are equal before God. We all are the creation of the same God. In no way one is higher and better than others. All have equal rights On God. All have equal rights to survive and to live peacefully. We must share rather than snatch. Loving and serving his beings is the true service to God. There are many creatures in this universe, all may survive.
The master is the tree of contentment, righteousness is its flower, and enlightenment is its fruit. It keeps ever fresh juicy by joy in God and is ripened by the practice of meditation and performing good deeds. Once the nature of God is known, you realise that all rites and beliefs are futile. He exhorted the people to forget all barriers of caste, creed, religion, region and colour and restore their faith and undivided loyalty to One God-as a source of all creation.
One can know God by knowing One’s soul (atman)-cleanses the impurities of his soul and gets equipped for attaining transcendence. There is light of God within everybody and there is none without Him. One should not allow oneself to be worshipped as She/he is not a God or goddess.
Ahimsa is the soul of all religions. We cannot imagine any religion without Ahimsa. All faiths and sastras in one voice hail ahimsa as the soul pride of humanitarian society since beginning and hence advise people to uphold it in their individual and social context. All Gurus Swami Vivekanand, Maharsi Mahesh yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda Ji, Maharsi Mehijee, Maharsi Dayanand Saraswati Ji, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji etc have in their message, stressed on Love an antidote for hatred. Hatred causes calamities as it spurs disunity, leading to inflicting pain and destruction.
Hatred colours one judgement and causes wrong notions and can spoil one’s character easily, one had to be very much cautious of the tendency to misunderstand ideas and concepts for, whom once in-grained, it becomes very hard to unlearn them. To reach one’s destination, one must follow the right path, path should never be blamed if one does not reach one’s destination. It is not the fault of the path.
It is the fault of decision between right and wrong. The root of happiness is love, and the root of annihilation is hatred. Love and ahimsa are two sides of the same coin. Where there is Love, there is ahimsa. Love can never bear the fruit of cruelty. Ahimsa fosters all good virtues in people and inspires them towards righteous living. Is it justified in slaughtering the innocent animals in the name of religious festivals? The essence of ahimsa is the absence of hatred which causes all evil. Will God or a goddess be happy after seeing the blood of innocent animals?
It is in a true sense, a penance that does not kill even as it does not encourage one to speak even ill of others at any cost self—control, Purity of heart, submission at the feet of God/Goddess, well – wishers of humanity, following the path of truth are the characteristics of ahimsa, without these qualities one can not be a true follower of ahimsa.
Ahimsa makes people kind, benevolent, magnanimous, well – wisher in all living beings. Following a unique path is like groping in the darkness. Train your mind to be calm in every situation. The way to cultivate detachment to worldly attraction and attachment to one’s duty is to lead a life with the view that the entire universe is the temple of God in which each one in fortunate to live. Realised souls see divinity everywhere.
♦ Bhola Sharan Prasad – Noida – Sec-150, Uttar Pradesh ♦
— Conclusion —
It is the fault of decision between right and wrong. The root of happiness is love, and the root of annihilation is hatred. Love and ahimsa are two sides of the same coin. Where there is Love, there is ahimsa. Love can never bear the fruit of cruelty. Ahimsa fosters all good virtues in people and inspires them towards righteous living.
This Article (One God) is the creation of “Bhola Sharan Prasad Ji“. For the readers of KMSRAJ51.COM — Your articles/poems are life changing by coming down to the depths of the heart in simple words. I have full faith that your poems and articles will benefit the public. Keep your writing process going.
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My Self is Bhola Sharan Prasad S/O. Late Dr. Shambhu Sharan. I did matriculation from Muzaffarpur, Pre University from Barauni (1st Batch). I. sc, and B. Sc (Bio) from Hajipur, B.A (Eng) and M.A. (English) from Bihar University Muzaffarpur, B. Ed from St. Xavier’s college, Calcutta and M. Ed from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. I know English, Hindi and Urdu.
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