Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
“Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past – Part 1”
Almost each one of us carries a heavy or subtle burden of negative events and happenings that have taken place in our life sometime in the past, either an immediate past or a far-off one; which reduce our present contentment levels immensely. The negative past could be of any form – you experienced the loss of a close loved one due to a break-up or sudden death; you went through a serious physical illness or a very lean phase of financial loss, you were abused on a mental or physical level; you were not treated properly by a colleague at office and undue advantage was taken of you; you performed an inappropriate action and you repent up till now, even after many years have passed, and many such similar and different types of incidents.
There are three different types of processes for removing negative past memories from our consciousness:
Modifying – A negative past event is modified into a positive, beneficial form and then stored in the consciousness.
Forgetting – Memories of a negative past event are forgotten and do not exist either in our conversations or in our conscious mind or thoughts, but traces of those memories exist in the sub-conscious mind.
Erasing – No traces of the negative past exist in the consciousness and memories of it are completely removed from the sub-conscious also.
We need to take the help of all the different aspects or techniques of spirituality and not depend on only one or two for these removal processes. In the next two days’ messages, we will explain all these different techniques of spirituality, which if incorporated in our life, help us experience lightness and emotional freedom from the past. All of them have their own unique importance.
© Message ®
To remove waste is to ensure there is power to transform.
Thought to Ponder: We do want to bring about a change in our lives, but most times we are not able to do so. This is because; a lot of thought energy is getting wasted in unnecessary things. Any thought which is not brought into action in the right way is waste. So, we need to check and change such thoughts, so that there is power to change.
Point to Practice: Today I will check the quality of my thoughts from time to time (at least 5 times today). If I find myself thinking something that is not useful (it may not necessarily be a negative thought), I will change it with a nice positive thought. This practice will help me recognise what is waste, and then work to change it too.
“Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past – Part 2”
Positive Information and Intoxication – The more we listen or read positive and constructive spiritual knowledge, even if it is for 10 minutes daily, and imbibe (absorb) it, the more our negative memories fade into the background. Also the regular input of knowledge lifts our consciousness to a higher level and gives us an experience of intoxication or spiritual bliss, in which the memory of our past sorrows and negative experiences gets dissolved. Even on a physical level, there are lots of people who indulge in some kind of addiction or intoxication only because it temporarily helps them to overcome and forget the negatives in their life.
Karma Realization – Another benefit of spiritual knowledge is that it makes us realize the various shades and details of the Law of Karma and its application in the World Drama, which helps us immensely in letting go of the past and concentrating on our present so that a bright future can be built, irrespective of the quality of the past.
Self and God Realization – One of the most important benefits of meditation, an important aspect of spirituality, is that it makes us realize and experience the spiritual self and the Father of the spiritual self, the Supreme Soul, accurately. This is an experience of liberation, in which there is no room for past repentances. Past repentances are more a reflection of excessive attachment to the physical or material or attachment to incorrect emotions related to body-consciousness, remembering the damage caused by it to the self and experiencing sorrow due to the same.
Connection and Relation – Also, meditation being a deep connection between me and the Supreme Father, it fills me with immense power and it is also an intense relationship, which fills me with love, happiness and peace. In the experience of these attainments, over a period of time, my past ceases to burden my consciousness.
© Message ®
Patience brings contentment.
Thought to Ponder: When I am patient with life’s situations and people, I am able to appreciate the beauty of everything that is happening in my life. I am not caught up with the future, but am able to enjoy this moment and use it well. This automatically brings contentment in my life, without making me lazy.
Point to Practice: Today I will make patience my companion. When anything happens that I don’t like, I just have to remind myself that I need to enjoy this moment and work to make my future better. I need not worry about what will happen or have fear of it.
“Seven Techniques To Let Go Off The Past – Part 3”
Correction – Memories inside the soul are like imprints or impressions on the soul. Some impressions are deep, some are not. Negative past experiences leave very deep negative impressions or scars on the soul, which sometimes take a lot of time to heal and sometime an entire lifetime can be sent without them getting healed. Negative past experience imprints and negative emotions like anger, hatred, attachment etc. are closely linked. So, correcting the self or incorporating positive sanskars fills the spiritual self with positive impressions. This, over a period of time, nullifies the effect of these negative impressions and as a result, the related negative memories.
Donation – Donation can be simply defined as the distribution of the invisible attainments one has experienced through spiritual self transformation, to others. It helps one receive blessings or positive energy of those whom we donate to and gives life a focused positive purpose, both of which help us immensely in forgetting our past. People who live only for themselves will find it more difficult to forget their past as compared to ones who spend a lot of time for others. Giving happiness to others helps us in forgetting our griefs.
Interaction – The more we interact with and remain in the company of positive minded people and have positive conversations with them, we give and receive positive energy and the more our past gets erased from my consciousness. Spirituality teaches us to look inwards and experience introvertness, which we haven’t experienced for a long time. At the same time, spirituality also teaches us to keep a balance between looking inwards and outwards. Composed and balanced extrovertness and healthy, happy relationships with virtuous people help us remain more in a present consciousness, not giving the mind to drift too much into the past.
© Message ®
To love myself is to be loved by all.
Thought to Ponder: When I love myself, I will use all my qualities without being affected by the external situations. I will then use my capability to the fullest. This self esteem brings respect from others too. Others will continue to see and respect those specialties as I am using them consistently.
Point to Practice: Today I will pat myself on my back and say to myself “you are special and I love you and am proud of you”. Just as we tend to encourage others, we need to encourage ourselves too. This will help us get in touch with our own qualities, which would then be expressed in all we do.
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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –
* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)
∗ निश्चित सफलता के २१ सूत्र।
∗ जीवन परिवर्तक 51 सकारात्मक Quotes of KMSRAJ51
* KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।
* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।
* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।
* सकारात्मक सोच है जीवन का सक्सेस मंत्र
* चांदी की छड़ी।
“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)
“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”
In English
Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.
~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)
“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”