KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
Soul Sustenance 25-03-2014
————————————–Creating a Positive Atmosphere
To create a positive atmosphere at home or at office, while interacting with your family members or colleagues, emerge positive energizing thoughts in your mind like * I am a peaceful soul, child of the Supreme Soul, the ocean of peace, * I am a loveful soul, * I am a blissful soul, * I am a powerful soul, etc. These positive thoughts spread in your home and office in the form of positive vibrations and have a positive influence on your family members and colleagues also. As a result you can maintain your peaceful, positive state even amidst actions and interactions with them. When you are clearly established in this stage of self-respect (positive consciousness), they will be more co-operative in your work and will have greater respect for you. Obstacles from your surroundings will not affect you.
Message for the day 25-03-2014
—————————————–True spirituality is that which makes one practical.
Expression: Usually spirituality is perceived as something that has to be kept separate from the normal daily life. But true spiritual life is that which is very practical. The one who is able to fill himself with spiritual power is able to use this power for being better and better in his practical life.
Experience: When I am able to recognize the inner beauty and am able to give myself time to be in touch with this spiritual aspect, I am able to be powerful and beyond chaos in all situations. I am able to go within to find the immense power and use it in practical situations. So I find myself being successful in practical situations.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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