Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..
♥ Fulfilling Desires By Changing Your Belief System – Part 1 ♥
One most important characteristic that differentiates the Supreme Soul from human souls is that the Supreme Soul is the only entity that exists in this World Drama that is completely desire-less and remains that way eternally. If we were to make a list of desires that human beings have, we would name a lot many and various different types of desires. Whatever karma or action any soul performs at different points in the World Drama, whether positive or even negative, pure or even impure, they are all performed to fulfill these different types of desires. But when seen from a spiritual perspective, whatever the external form of the desire may be, the internal desire is always very simple – to go back to its eternal (or inert) state of peace or original state of peace, love, joy and power. The eternal or inert state of each soul is the state in which it exists before it begins its journey of birth and rebirth, when it resides in the soul world and the original state of each soul is the state in which it exists when it has just begun its journey of birth and rebirth i.e. at the beginning of the birth-rebirth cycle. Even negative karmas based on the personality traits of anger, greed, ego, lust, etc. may externally seem to be filled with violence or impurity, but internally, each time any soul performs such karmas, all it desires is a return to its eternal and original state (we shall explain this in tomorrow’s message). But it does not realize how these karmas take the soul away and not close to these states.
This is where the role of the Supreme Soul comes in. The Supreme Soul is completely desire-less and possesses the capability, knowledge and power to fulfill these desires of the soul. Being the Supreme Teacher, He guides and teaches us what are the right karmas or actions that can help us fulfill our desires and take us closer to our eternal and original state and which actions, take us away from it. Also He is the only one who can teach us how to connect with Him so that these desires are fulfilled, because he is the Ocean of all the qualities that exist inside us in our eternal and original state and connecting with Him fills us with these qualities. The connection and the right actions, both, are vital for our progress.
© Message ®
As is the aim so is the qualification.
Thought to ponder: If I have a high aim, I will set high standards for myself. I will make efforts to reach that aim. So the qualities that I imbibe will be of a great standard too. So, it is important that I constantly set high standards for myself and make my life qualitatively better.
Point to practice: Today I will, in any one aspect, set an aim for myself. I will then check to see if I can do a bit better than what I think I can do right now. I will make sure I will set an aim for myself a bit higher than what I normally do. This will increase my qualities and will automatically keep me prepared for higher things.
♥ Fulfilling Desires By Changing Your Belief System – Part 2 ♥
We have been holding a lot of incorrect beliefs as to what can lead us to back to our eternal and original state and many of our actions are based on these beliefs. We have mentioned a few examples of incorrect beliefs below. There are many more, which you could reflect on.
Lust and attachment increases love in a relationship.
Anger is necessary for success in relationships and is important for getting work done and gaining respect. It provides a mental upsurge of energy.
Greed attracts physical prosperity and brings happiness.
Ego is power; a person with no ego is generally timid or submissive.
Worry prepares us for the worst, worrying for someone close is expressing our love for them.
Being emotional and crying for our loved ones in bad times, is expressing love for them. Being emotional and crying in good times is expressing and experiencing joy.
Gossiping increases social bonding and gives one an experience of joy.
Jealousy inspires us to do better and achieve more.
The Supreme Teacher changes our belief system and not only makes us aware of these incorrect beliefs but reconditions us by incorporating correct beliefs inside us so that we start performing karmas or actions based on them and start progressing towards our eternal and original state.
© Message ®
To end waste means to be free from defeat.
Thought to ponder: The one with faith in the intellect always remains at a distance from waste, whether it is waste thoughts, wste words or waste actions. To move away from waste means to be victorious. The one who is free from waste is busy with the positive and useful. Such a person is constantly searching for solutions and trying to make the best out of the situation.
Point to practice: It is because of waste that I sometimes experience defeat and sometimes victory. If I am able to finish waste, I am able to finish defeat. Because whatever the situation may be, however challenging it may be, if I am able to finish waste I am able to recognise the benefit that is merged within it and so I am able to experience being constantly victorious.
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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –
* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)
* KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।
* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।
* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।
* सकारात्मक सोच है जीवन का सक्सेस मंत्र
* चांदी की छड़ी।
“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)
“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”
In English
Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.
~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)
“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”
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